Fridge for Rebecca and her Children

Total Cost - USD 612
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 612

Rebecca’s marriage lasted for only two years. A judge granted her a divorce immediately when she described the abuse she had suffered. Her former husband pays his court-ordered child support for their son irregularly, so she cannot rely on the money.

Recently, Rebecca became involved with another young man, but his family made him break off his involvement with her because she was a divorcee with a child. However, the relationship left Rebecca pregnant, and she now has a two-month old daughter. The father does not acknowledge or take any responsibility for the girl.

With little income and no support, Rebecca, 31, is alone in the world. She struggles economically, but is trying to raise the children as well as she can. She finds the situation very frustrating. Rebecca has been using a mini-fridge that she picked up off a street corner, as she could not afford to buy one, but it is not sufficient for the needs of three people.  Her social worker has turned to Ten Gav to assist with the purchase of a fridge as her agency cannot currently provide her with one.

Verified by: Moriah Beitches, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 190545
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