Together, we are keeping the home front strong.

These are challenging days, yet the strength displayed by the people of Israel is inspiring. Join Ten Gav in our efforts to keep the home front strong.

Since the start of the war, Ten Gav has provided hotel fees for evacuees, iPads and computers to special needs children and adults who have been unable to participate in their regular programming, and electrical appliances, beds, course tuitions, and therapies to Israelis in financial distress impacted by the ongoing conflict.

Join our Purim campaign to give hope for brighter days ahead.  All proceeds to the Emergency Relief Fund.

10 e-cards for a minimum donation of $25 / 100NIS

To send Purim eCards complete the form.

Your cards will be sent on the date you choose below.

We kindly request a minimum donation of $25 for every 10 e-cards. Thank you!
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