Emergency Relief Fund 2025

Support for Families of Reservists

Total Cost - USD 555,247
Still Needed - USD 553,030
Funded - USD 2,217


As we enter the new year of 2025, we remain deeply concerned for the safety of all Israelis, particularly the well-being of our brave soldiers on the frontlines. That is why, this year, we are dedicating our efforts to a very special project close to our heart: supporting families of reserve soldiers.

Since October 7, thousands of brave young men and women have put their personal lives on hold, leaving their families indefinitely to fight for our land and the safety of our people. 

Over the last ten years, we have worked closely with social service agencies and have seen how easily families can slip into the cycle of poverty. Our goal is to prevent the families of these soldiers from falling into this cycle and getting trapped in the welfare system.

We are currently collaborating with these key organizations to provide support for soldiers and their families:

  1. Hanoch Daum – Hanoch Daum uses his platforms to raise awareness of the challenges faced by Israeli soldiers. Through this partnership, we are providing basic needs and financial assistance to the families of reserve soldiers.
  2. HaOgen – HaOgen and their dedicated volunteers, are in the field meeting the spouses and families of reserve soldiers and assessing their needs.  By partnering with HaOgen, Ten Gav can provide basic needs and financial support and care to those who need it most.
  3. IDF Reservists Wives Forum – This volunteer group supports the wives and families of reservists. We collaborate with the Forum ensuring these wives receive the support they need during times of separation and hardship.

By partnering with these organizations, we can ensure that the needs of our soldiers’ families are met in a coordinated and effective manner.

As always, Ten Gav is committed to providing you with as much information as possible through our regular communications. If you wish to learn more, you can subscribe to our newsletter or email us at [email protected].

Naomi and Vivi

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