Beds for Lital and Roi’s children

Total Cost - USD 881
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 881

Lital, 35, and Roi, 36, are going through a very rough time and need our help.

Lital suffers from numerous chronic health issues, including cancer, fibromyalgia and a herniated disc. In addition, she is being treated for depression. Lital has been recognized as 100% disabled and receives a monthly government stipend.

Roi is a recovering gambling, alcohol and drug addict. He hasn’t worked in years but after years of neglecting his family, both emotionally and financially, he is now determined to find a job and support them properly.

In the meantime, the couple is raising 3 young children (ages 4-15), and they struggle to make ends meet. In addition to their monthly living expenses, they have amassed numerous debts which need to be paid off.

The family’s tiny apartment is crowded and minimally furnished. Their most desperate need right now is a pull-out bunk bed for the three youngest children. They are currently sleeping on blankets on the floor and especially as the winter months approach, they need warm, stable beds to sleep on.

Verified by: Yava Ricin, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 230918
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