Washing Machine for Rivkah

Total Cost - USD 376
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 376

Rivka is the only wage earner in her family. On her salary as a part-time aide to the elderly, she supports her four daughters and her husband, who refuses to get a job so that he can spend all day learning Torah. Rivka is frustrated by this decision and has been tempted to leave him, but she has not, in order to maintain the stability of the family. They are in great need, however. While they own their apartment, they have not been able to cover the mortgage, so they are in the process of selling it and moving to a rental unit, in order to pay down their mortgage-related debts.

In the meantime, Rivka stretches her income as best she can. Even with her careful budgeting, the income does not go far enough to purchase a washing machine. Without one, Rivka has had to do the laundry for her family of six by hand. Having that appliance would greatly improve the quality of her life.

Verified by: Liora Barak, Department of Social Services, Ako | Case No.: 180356
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