Washing machine for Rachel and Shlomo

Total Cost - USD 506
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 506

Rachel, 68, and Shlomo, 67, are both unwell and need a helping hand.

Shlomo has numerous health issues, including obesity and diabetes. He can only walk with the help of crutches. Rachel recently had an accident that left her with broken ribs that are healing unusually slowly. She has to use a walker to get around.

To make matters even more difficult, the couple’s building is currently undergoing massive renovations. They have no elevator and the building’s staircase is very narrow. Because of their physical limitations, Rachel and Shlomo are housebound.

Recently, the couple’s washing machine broke and cannot be fixed. As their only income is a monthly government stipend, Rachel and Shlomo cannot afford to buy a new machine.

There is no doubt that if they could get help buying a new washing machine, Rachel and Shlomo’s quality of life would greatly improve.

Verified by: Daniela Katash, Department of Social Services, Tel Aviv - South | Case No.: 230122
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