Washing machine for Orit

Orit, 22, is doing her best to raise her two-year-old son, Omer, on her own. Omer’s dad, Guy, and Orit dated for two years but broke up during Orit’s pregnancy. Though he sees Omer regularly, Guy cannot help Orit financially.
Orit works as an aide to the elderly but because she is a single parent, she can only work limited hours. For the first two years of Omer’s life, they lived with Orit’s father which was a huge financial help. Two years ago, however, her father sold his house and no longer has room for them.
Orit and Omer now live in a government subsidized apartment. Orit has numerous debts to pay off and struggles to make ends meet.
Orit is determined to build a stable future for herself and Omer and is certainly working her hardest in order to stand on her own two feet. At the moment, however, she desperately needs a new washing machine to replace their second hand one that no longer works. A new machine is an expense that Orit cannot afford but to raise a two-year-old without one, is next to impossible.