Washing Machine for Alisha and Mualem

Total Cost - USD 405
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 405

Alisha and Mualem are a warm and engaging young couple, devoted parents, and hard workers. But they live in crippling poverty because Alisha’s uncles signed her name on a business that they opened and that promptly failed.

Technically deep in personal debt, she often can’t even buy food for her three young children. A lawyer is helping her to extricate herself from this untenable position, but has not yet succeeded.

Alisha works full time as an aide to the elderly and Mualem takes as much temporary work as he can find. Nonetheless, they struggle to make ends meet. Social services is helping them with food, clothing, and diapers. Their washing machine is not working, and the additional burden of hand-washing the clothing of five people is draining what little energy Alisha has left.

Verified by: Rachela Matlow, Department of Social Services, Tel Aviv East - Achva | Case No.: 190103
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