Tuition for Tomer

Tomer, 26, is trying to build an independent life for himself. Tomer had a difficult childhood; he was raised, along with four siblings, by a single mother who struggled to make ends meet. Since the age of 14, Tomer has worked and contributed all of his earnings towards his family’s household expenses. Tomer never completed high school and dropped out of the army after two years in order to continue helping his mother.
A year ago, Tomer signed up to study towards a degree in cyber security. To cover his tuition, he took out a bank loan. Unfortunately, three months after he began classes, he had a fight with his mother’s partner and needed to move out of the house. With the added expense of rent, Tomer had to work extra hours and couldn’t afford to continue his studies.
Once the lockdowns began, Tomer was out of work and had trouble finding another job. He fell further into debt. He eventually turned to social services and enrolled in a program that has helped him get back on his feet. Tomer attends all the required meetings and is motivated to start over. He recently found a new job and is paying back his loans slowly.
Tomer is now back at school and eager to move forward. He knows that with a degree, he will have the tools necessary to begin building his future. If he could get help covering the rest of his tuition, he would be able to use his income to cover his loans and start afresh.