Tuition for Aliza

Total Cost - USD 1,510
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,510

When her parents divorced, social services sent Aliza to complete her 12 years of schooling in a boarding school. Despite living away from home, Aliza, 22, maintained a very strong relationship with her mother and two older brothers. Her father has not been in contact with the family since the divorce.

After high school, Aliza did National Service for a year, but was excused from a second year because she had to work to support her mother. Aliza now lives with her mother, as does one of her brothers. He is divorced with two children and no steady job. Aliza had a series of temporary jobs but now has regular work as a waitress in a café. Her dream, however, is to be a librarian. To this end, she has started a librarianship course. Her teachers report that she is a strong, motivated student with natural talents in the field.

Aliza is eager to succeed in her classes and to then find a stable position as a librarian. She dreams of being able to take better care of her mother and of pulling herself out of the cycle of poverty. Unfortunately, having used most of her savings towards her studies, Aliza does not have the money for her last tuition payment. Without this final installment, she cannot finish her coursework and begin to work in the field that she loves.

Verified by: Noa Avni Tamim, Department of Social Services, Hadera - Youth and Young People | Case No.: 200110
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