Therapy for Shlomo

Total Cost - USD 1,510
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,510

Shlomo, 19, is a young man who is desperately trying to overcome a troubled past. Shlomo was physically abused by his father and was hospitalized as a result of his injuries. He has since cut off all contact with his parents and has no outside support, emotionally or financially. To further add to his traumatic past, Shlomo’s brother, to whom he was especially close, was killed in a car accident.

Shlomo works in order to support himself, but it is difficult to make ends meet. He would like to enlist in the army and move on with his life, but he has many issues to overcome. Shlomo began therapy sessions, the cost of which were covered by his health fund. He has attended regularly and is determined to continue, but he now has to cover the cost of the sessions on his own. This is a young man who is trying to help himself but without outside assistance, he won’t be able to move forward.

Verified by: Zeev Shenkar, Division for the Advancement of Youth, Jerusalem | Case No.: 210132
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