Stroller for Rebecca

Total Cost - USD 865
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 865

SOTOS is a rare genetic disorder that causes children to grow unusually quickly and brings a host of other problems. Four-year old Rebecca has SOTOS. She is large for her age and suffers from a wide range of developmental delays. With little understanding of her situation, she is apt to hurt herself. Her muscle tone is very poor so she does not walk well and often falls.

Rebecca’s parents are devoted and invest all of their time and resources to her. Her parents use a stroller to transport Rebecca as she cannot walk long distances on her own and she is too heavy for them to carry. Recently her stroller broke because it was not designed for a 45-pound child.

Rebecca’s mother works as a medical secretary but her father currently does not as he devotes all of his time to taking care of Rebecca. They are in desperate need of a new sturdier stroller but do not have the means to buy one.

Verified by: Noga Englander, Maccabi Health Services, Dimona | Case No.: 190035
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