School Enrichment Classes
Mazal, 33, went back to work as a cleaner as soon as her youngest two children, 10-month old twins, were able to begin daycare. But the doctor recently told her that she has an umbilical hernia; she cannot work until she has, and then recovers from, an operation to fix it. This leaves the family of six reliant on her husband, Avraham’s job, also as a cleaner. They get by as best they can but the little money he earns does not stretch very far.
Both Mazal and Avraham struggle with Hebrew and feel that they cannot support their children’s academic efforts well. They would like to enroll their 10- and 7-year old in an afterschool enrichment class, with the hope that in the long run this will help them succeed in school and break out of the cycle of poverty. They cannot, however, afford the tuition for the class.