Refrigerator for Tali

Total Cost - USD 619
Still Needed - USD -3
Funded - USD 622

Tali, 32, is divorced and raising two young children, ages 2 and 4, on her own. When Tali was a child, her family was recognized by social services due to abuse on the part of Tali’s father. Though the abuse was directed towards his wife, the children were witnesses and suffered trauma as a result. During her years of schooling, Tali spent two separate stints in boarding school.
Five years ago, Tali got married. She began studying towards a degree in Criminology but had to stop her studies when she gave birth to her first child. After some time, Tali began doing night shifts at a home for young women at risk. When she was put on bed rest during her second pregnancy, Tali had to stop this path as well. After her second child was born, Tali tried to go back to work twice, but her husband was unsupportive and she was forced to quit. Tali describes her ex-husband as impatient, aggressive and highly critical. He was often verbally abusive, and Tali felt lonely and unsupported in every way.
Eventually, the couple divorced, and Tali moved back to her parents’ home with her two young children. Tali wasn’t comfortable with the arrangement; she felt like a burden, both physically and financially. To make matters worse, her sister gave birth to twins and moved in as well. Tali had no privacy and the house was very loud, making it difficult for her to raise her own two children in a calm environment. Tension between the family members grew to an unbearable level, and Tali finally decided to move out.
Tali has been working steadily in a supermarket. She has debts to pay off and has received no child support the last few months. Her financial situation is precarious, but she is determined to build an independent life for herself and her children.
Tali’s new apartment is completely unfurnished. She cannot afford to buy a refrigerator but without one, she cannot begin to turn her life around.

Verified by: Bruria Vingrova, Department of Social Services, Neve Yaakov | Case No.: 210101
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