Refrigerator for Sarah
After Sarah’s husband relapsed into drug addiction, she left him and moved into her parents’ house with her three little children. He lost his job because of the addiction, throwing the family into a financial crisis. The couple is now in the process of divorcing, and he will not be able to pay child support. Sarah cannot work because she needs to be at home, taking care of her children, ages 1-4. Currently, the family’s only income is Sarah’s unemployment payments. There is not much room in Sarah’s parents’ house, so she applied for, and was recently granted, a public housing unit. She is hoping to be able to move into it soon. Unfortunately, Sarah has almost no furniture or appliances and no way to afford them. Her most pressing need is a refrigerator in order to keep fresh food for the children. Without one, it’s hard to imagine how Sarah will make it on her own.