Refrigerator for Naya

Naya’s story is difficult to hear, but she is determined to move forward with her life.
A single mother to two children (ages 2 and 7), Naya lost a third child in a tragic car accident. The experience left her emotionally bereft, and she is understandably over-protective of her toddler who was born after the tragedy.
Naya, of Ethiopian origin, has a high school degree and completed her full army service. She started studying towards a degree in bookkeeping but stopped mid-way. She worked odd jobs until her youngest child was born. She is now home with him, as she refuses to put him in day care.
Today, Naya supports her family on a monthly government stipend. In order to save money, they lived in an apartment together with extended family members.
Naya’s living conditions were untenable and fortunately, she was recently granted a government-subsidized apartment of her own.
Naya’s biggest concern now is furnishing the apartment. If we could help her buy a refrigerator, Naya would be one giant step closer to providing her children with a stable home life.