Refrigerator for Hadar and Liran

Total Cost - USD 769
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 769

Hadar, 40, and Liran, 43, have four children (ages 5-18) and are struggling to make ends meet.

Hadar works as a kindergarten assistant, and Liran is currently unemployed. They have heavy debts to repay and were recently forced to declare personal bankruptcy.

As they try to sort out their financial situation, Hadar and Liran are desperate for a new refrigerator. Their old one no longer works and isn’t worth repairing. With four growing children at home, this family cannot survive the hot summer months without a working fridge.

Verified by: Yulia Greenberg, Department of Social Services, Kfar Saba | Case No.: 220379
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