Refrigerator for Alma

Total Cost - USD 574
Still Needed - USD -8
Funded - USD 582

Alma, 33, is raising Raya, her 13-year-old daughter, on her own. Alma has not heard from Raya’s father in years, and he does not pay any child support. Alma, who suffers from Crone’s disease, works as an aide to the elderly, a job that pays below the minimum wage. Alma works privately and has seen her hours drop because of Corona; she has gone from earning very little to earning even less than that.

Raya has been diagnosed with a number of anxieties and sensitivities for which she needs intensive treatment. Alma is committed to getting her daughter the therapy that she needs, but the effort is draining the little money that she has. Now their refrigerator has broken, and Alma has no funds with which to replace it.

Verified by: Tal Tikatin, Department of Social Services, Holon | Case No.: 200439
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