Psycho-didactic evaluation for Barak
Genya, 48, is a single mother to five children; four of them are grown and out of the house. Her youngest, Barak (8), has been diagnosed with ADHD and anger management issues.
Genya and the father of her children never married; he provides no emotional or financial support. Genya is truly alone in the world.
To complicate matters, Genya herself has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and is under regular psychiatric care. in 2005, she also suffered a stroke which impacted her emotional and physical state. With the help of social services, today she is functioning at full capacity and trying to move forward with her life.
Genya’s relationship with her four older children is complicated. They often take advantage of her, but she tries to appease them in order to maintain a positive family dynamic for Barak. Genya has taken out loans for her children and, as a result, her already precarious financial state has further deteriorated.
Genya works odd jobs when she cans but, for the most part, survives on her monthly disability stipend and help from social services. Her and Barak live in a government-subsidized apartment. All of Genya’s efforts go towards trying to guarantee her son a stable future.
Barak is currently under the care of a psychologist provided by his health fund. In order to get him the proper academic help, however, he needs to undergo a psycho-didactic evaluation. This is an expense that Genya cannot afford, but she knows that it is vital to his well-being.
Barak, an innocent young child, deserves our help.