Psycho-didactic evaluation for Alex

Total Cost - USD 807
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 807

Alex, 27 years old, has never had an easy life. From the age of three, Alex has been on Ritalin. He always had a difficult time in school, struggling to concentrate and finding it hard to integrate socially. In addition to being highly unmotivated, Alex suffered from very low self-esteem as a result of weight issues. He was also prone to sudden outbursts and had major anger management issues.

Despite all of his troubles, Alex always held down a job. He entered the army and completed nine months of service before leaving and continuing in a National Service position. Four years ago, Alex began to suffer from severe back pain. It became difficult to hold down a job, but he persevered. Now Alex is trying to proactively improve his situation. He turned to a non-profit organization to help him complete his matriculation exams and is now hoping to pursue a career in electrical engineering. At this juncture, Alex needs a psycho-didactic evaluation in order to help guide him in how to pursue his dream and build a path to a better future. This young man deserves a chance.

Verified by: Adi Mansour, The Platform - The Youth Center, Rehovot | Case No.: 200154
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