Psycho-diagnostic Testing for David and Elena

Total Cost - USD 432
Still Needed - USD 1
Funded - USD 432

Social workers describe both 10-year old David, and 7-year old Elena as charming children, pleasant and motivated to succeed in school. But their academic difficulties hold both children back. They struggle to read, to understand what they have read, and to do math. Testing shows that David also has ADD.

Their parents are loving and determined, supporting all five of their children in any way they can. However, their budget is very limited – their father works as a school aide, but has trouble walking because of orthopedic problems, and their mother suffers from weakness and dizziness severe enough that she cannot hold a job.

The results of the testing would allow David and Elana’s teachers to organize programs that would help both children do better in school and give them a basis from which to move forward. For a family that cannot even afford the basics on which to live, however, the cost of the tests is out of reach.

Verified by: Galia Itzchaki, Department of Social Services, Hadera | Case No.: 180099
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