Oven for Orly’s Family

Total Cost - USD 347
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 347

Orly’s husband was murdered in front of her eyes many years ago. Since then, she has been unable to work and has had to raise their seven children solely on her husband’s insurance benefits. Orly has struggled to maintain the family’s apartment on this very low income, and, over the years, their home has fallen into disrepair. Mildew eventually covered all the walls and furniture.

Last summer, the entire family moved out so that Orly’s son-in-law could refurbish the apartment. They had to throw out every appliance and piece of furniture. Now the apartment is ready for them to move back in, but Orly does not have the money to refurnish it. Her top priority is an oven, so that she can make healthy meals for her family.

Verified by: Dafna Buskila, Department of Social Services ,Acco | Case No.: 200136
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