Oven for Moshe and Reachel

Total Cost - USD 384
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 384

Moshe, 90, and Rachel, 80, came to Israel from Ethiopia in 2001, with their nine grown children.
Although fully committed to living in this country, none of them has been able to build a life outside of the cycle of poverty.

Moshe and Rachel rely on their State pensions and his handicap stipend, but these do not amount to much. They live a constrained, modest life, but can barely stretch their income to cover the medications that both need for their high blood pressure, and on which Moshe relies after a stroke damaged his right side.

Their children, all impoverished and with families of their own, have been unable to help them. Their belongings are old and worn, and the same is true of their appliances. Their oven no longer works, making it harder for Rachel to prepare healthy and frugal meals. They have no way to purchase a new one, despite the difference that it would make to their lives.

Verified by: Michal Avrahami, Department of Social Services, Kiryat Malach | Case No.: 190215
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