Orthopedic Bed for Rina
Rina, 50, has been on the waiting list for new lungs for three years. In the meantime, her current lungs are functioning at 14%, leaving her completely dependent on an oxygen tank. She is barely mobile and every task requires enormous effort. She is completely disabled, so receives a stipend from the government, but that is her only income. Because she cannot get out,
her social worker visits Rina at home. She noted that at night Rina uses a youth bed that a neighbor gave her, although it is broken and too small for her.
Rina says that she can never get a good night’s sleep, and that this has made her health situation even worse. In order to sleep and breathe properly, Rina needs a sturdy, wide bed with a mechanical mechanism to raise the head as necessary, and an orthopedic mattress. Rina has no way to afford this, although having the bed would greatly ease her health difficulties.