Massage Therapist Course for Nina

Total Cost - USD 1,510
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,510

In the course of her short life, Nina, 19, has bounced from school to school, and from one shelter to another hostel to yet another support program. She has a police record for petty theft and has had to move out of her parents’ house because of the difficult relationship that has developed.

However, Nina asks a lot of questions about life, about her future, and about what and who she wants to be. Through a program for youth in danger, she has been meeting regularly with a social worker, and through this contact with an adult who believes in her and in her abilities, she is developing a sense of confidence and a work ethic (she is a waitress).

Nina wants to do better, to develop her abilities, and to work with others. To this end, she has decided that she is drawn to a position as a massage therapist. She believes that with certification in this area she will be able to find steady work and earn a reasonable living.

Her social worker believes that this is the next step toward Nina’s turning her life around, but without financial support, Nina cannot manage the tuition for the course.

Verified by: Elit Cohen, Elem - Shelter for Homeless Young Women | Case No.: 190281
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