Hairdressing course for Leah

Total Cost - USD 1,510
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,510

Leah is 38 years old, is a single mom to Matan, and works for minimum wage as a salesperson in a clothing shop.
Before Matan was born, Leah had worked in security and hotel housekeeping, but left work to focus on parenthood. She only went back to work recently.
Matan’s father had never wanted to be a dad, and tried to pressure Leah to abort. Instead, Leah chose to raise her child on her own, and moved back home to live with her parents in Dimona. Matan’s father is heavily in debt, does not pay child support, and so Leah gets government assistance to supplement her income.
Leah would like to do more for herself and Matan by adding hairdressing to her marketable skills. However, she first needs to take a certification course, which she cannot afford.
The course Leah would like to take includes haircutting and styling for men, women, and children, as well as bridal and event styling, and eyebrow shaping and waxing. This course would help Leah shape a brighter future for herself and Matan, providing opportunities and the support they need to flourish.

Verified by: Maya Garty, Department of Social Services, Dimona | Case No.: 190104
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