Fridge for Vardina and her Family

Total Cost - USD 718
Still Needed - USD -11
Funded - USD 729

In 2000, Vardina made aliya from Russia with her husband and their baby girl. Their son was born in Israel. The stress of the cultural adjustment was too much for the relationship and the two divorced seven years later.

Vardina soon met another partner, with whom she had two children, now nine and five. He turned violent, subjecting her to verbal and physical abuse and after four years, she fled to a shelter with the children in order to get away from him.

Through it all, Vardina has tried to work steadily and to provide for her family. However, her job as a night nurse at an old age home does not pay a very high salary. Because of this, her apartment is only partially furnished; the three lack beds, a washing machine, and a refrigerator.

In fact, Vardina has taken the kids to live at a friend’s house, as she cannot manage without being able to store and prepare food properly. She would like to live in her own home, but without a refrigerator – which she cannot afford – this is impossible.


Verified by: Sigal Sher, Department of Social Services, Ako | Case No.: 190217
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