Fridge for Chaya’s Family

Total Cost - USD 718
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 718

After years of drug use, Chaya’s husband divorced her abruptly over the summer, leaving her with five small children, a mortgage, and debts that he had run up. She is still in shock, although she is trying to care for the children as best she can on her minimal salary as a town employee.

She has had to miss many days of work taking care of her infant twins, as they are not in daycare. Her former husband left his job several months ago and he stayed home to look after them. He no longer has an income and cannot pay child support.

The refrigerator in the apartment stopped working not long after Chaya’s husband left the family, and everything in it spoiled. Chaya, 40, cannot afford a new fridge on her income but it is difficult to feed children well without one.

Verified by: Zohar Shtrauss, Department of Social Services, Aco | Case No.: 190321
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