Day Camps and Pool Memberships

Total Cost - USD 124,931
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 124,931

Each year, as summer vacation approaches, the Social Services Agencies with whom we partner reach out to us with the same message: 

“Summertime is an overwhelmingly stressful time for our clients!”

Working parents become desperate without the school system’s structure and struggle to find funds to keep their children occupied and safe while at work. Many who cannot find these extra funds have children who remain home alone or on the streets. 

As we approach the summer of 2024, the need for summer programs is more crucial than ever. These programs provide structure and physical safety and play a significant role in the children’s mental well-being. 

Since October 7, children across the country have faced trauma far beyond their years. You can listen to  Miriam Didi, a Social Worker in Netivot, explain the situation.  She shares:  “It is important to emphasize the need for children to maintain continuity at this time. Children have not studied in a structured way since the war began… It is important to keep functional continuity for the children.

This summer, we are committed to assisting with day camp fees and pool memberships for over 1500 children in 11 cities around Israel, including Dimona*, Ofakim*, Netivot*, Pardes Chana, Holon, Harish, Rishon LeTziyon, Ramat Hasharon, Hof HaCarmel, Migdal HaEmek*, and Or Akiva.

*Children in these cities have experienced months without school and structure, with some still living in shelters or displaced and living in hotels.

Our goal is to provide over 1500 children with access to summer day camps and pool memberships at a cost of 450,000 NIS / $120,000


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