Day camp for 136 kids in Netivot

Total Cost - USD 9,267
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 9,267

The Department of Social Services in Netivot has requested our help to send 136 children to day camp this summer! 

Elian, 39, lives in Netivot and independently raises five children (ages 9-17). Her daughter Reut is one of the kids we want to send to day camp!

Though she is doing everything in her power to meet all of their needs, Elian needs our help.

Elian and her husband divorced two years ago. It was a very damaging relationship, and Elian is now in therapy to help her move forward with her life. Her oldest son is in therapy as well. While the sessions are critical to both of them, the expense is a huge burden on Elian’s already overloaded shoulders.

Elian runs a daycare program out of her apartment. In addition, she receives a small monthly government subsidy and a minimal child support allowance. Unfortunately, her income doesn’t come close to covering her expenses.

As the summer vacation approaches, Elian is desperate to send her youngest daughter, Reut, to day camp. With our help, both mother and daughter will get a much-needed break.

*Netivot, situated between Be’er Sheva and Gaza, frequently faces rocket attacks. It does not make it into the headlines as often as its larger neighbor, Sderot, and often gets overlooked which highlights the importance of our role in providing subsidies and funding to families in need from this city.

Verified by: Liz Dahan, Department of Social Services, Netivot | Case No.: 230549
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