Course tuition for Tom

Total Cost - USD 1,131
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,131

Sigal, 28, and Tom, 29, are raising three young children (ages 5-10); their oldest, Erez, is autistic and needs round-the-clock supervision.

Sigal works part time as an aide in a nursing home. She suffers from psychological/emotional issues due to a traumatic childhood but is trying to move forward with her life.

For the past few years, Tom has been working full time. He just switched jobs and is now employed as an assistant technician at a large electronics company.

Unfortunately, Sigal and Tom have heavy debts to repay. They are enrolled in a social services program that is helping them navigate their reality and plan a stable future for themselves and their children.

Sigal and Tom meet with their social worker regularly and execute all of their assignments diligently.

Tom’s dream is to build a career as a DJ. His plan is to continue to work as a technician while he gets certified.

If Tom could get help paying his course tuition, there is no doubt he would be one giant step closer to realizing his dreams and building a brighter future for his family.

Verified by: Hagit Eliav, Merkaz Hizdamnut (oppurtunity Center), Jerusalem | Case No.: 230874
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