Course tuition for Tali

Total Cost - USD 1,510
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,510

Tali, 34, is doing her best to stand on her own two feet.

Tali is a single mother to four young children, ages 4, 3, and 3-month-old twins. When she was pregnant with the twins, Tali and her partner separated. He pays partial child support but has no visitation rights and takes no part in raising them.

Until her last pregnancy, Tali worked in a factory. In her seventh month, however, she was put on bed rest and had to stop working. She is now on maternity leave.

A few months ago, Tali joined a social services program that is providing her with financial mentoring, professional guidance, parenting advice and therapy for her daughter.

After much research and deliberation, Tali decided to enroll in a bookkeeping course. With her certification, she feels confident that she can enter the workforce and build a stable future for her children.

In order to attend her classes, Tali had to put the twins in day care. This has added another expense to Tali’s already long list.

If Tali could get help paying her course tuition, there is no doubt that this motivated young woman will be one giant step closer to recognizing her dreams.

Verified by: Cheli Almog, Lehetiv | Case No.: 230459
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