Computer for Nadya’s children

Nadya, 34, is going through a very rough time. After an ugly divorce process that took three years, Nadya is now raising three young children, ages 6-12, on her own.
Nadya is certainly doing her very best to make ends meet. Over the years, the couple struggled financially and took out many loans which now have to be paid back. Nadya currently works as a bookkeeper during the day and as a cleaner at night. After an extended court battle, her ex-husband is finally paying child support. Despite holding down two jobs, Nadya barely survives from month to month.
During the Corona crisis, Nadya’s two older children were taking turns using her cell phone to attend classes on Zoom. As a result, they have both fallen behind in their studies. Nadya is trying her hardest to improve her family’s situation but without a computer for remote learning, her children will continue to suffer. She deserves our help.