Computer for Hannah
It is to Hannah’s credit that she is taking steps toward fulfilling her dream of becoming an artist by studying at Betzalel Art Academy. Hannah, 21, grew up in a home full of drugs and violence and very little money. Her father was a drug addict who involved her older brothers in buying drugs. They became criminals and addicts who went to jail for drugs, theft, violence and weapons possession. Two of them died within a week of each other.
Although her father left the family and is no longer in touch, Hannah’s mother was also violent toward her children. A cosmetician by training, Hannah’s mother no longer works for health reasons. Her only income comes from her social security payments. When Hannah was young, social services put her in programs that kept her out of the house until 9:00 at night; when she grew older, Hannah went to boarding school.
Between her mother and her remaining brother and their desperate financial situation, Hannah can no longer live at home. She has managed to support herself through school but cannot afford the computer that she needs for her remote classes and for the art projects that she needs to submit in order to complete her studies.