Computer for David

Total Cost - USD 386
Still Needed - USD -28
Funded - USD 414

Some stories are so tragic that they’re impossible to ignore. Anna, 51, is divorced and raising her 11-year-old son, David, on her own.

Anna moved to Israel ten years ago and is in a deteriorating state of health. She has breast cancer that has spread to her liver and bones, and has difficulty breathing on her own. She requires daily help to perform even the most mundane tasks and is in dire financial straits.

David’s school has been providing him with hot meals, and social services has organized clothing donations for him. What David needs most right now is a computer for his school work. It would be heartbreaking if, in addition to dealing with his mother’s illness, David would also have to cope with falling behind in school. He deserves our help.

Verified by: Maya Gertie, Department of Social Services, Dimona | Case No.: 210599
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