Computer for Avivit and her 5 children

Total Cost - USD 764
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 764

Divorce is hard. Add to that an absent father who is not contributing any money to his children’s’ welfare and a diagnosis of autism for the youngest child. Avivit is working hard to keep it all together– to work enough to feed her family, to care for her autistic child and her 4 other children who are adjusting to a divorce, an absent father, and a move to a new apartment.

To grow her business, Avivit needs to be on social media. Her kids need access to a computer for schoolwork and for play. Avivit does not have the extra money to buy a computer and her social worker has turned to Ten Gav for help.

Verified by: Avivit Hananel, Department of Social Services, Tel Aviv South | Case No.: 190423
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