Car Seat for Baby Yael

Total Cost - USD 432
Still Needed - USD 1
Funded - USD 432

Eleven months ago, Yael was born with heart problems and a convulsive disorder. She needs intense care, much of which her parents provide at home, and the severity of her condition has already led to frequent hospitalizations. This has been hard on her parents, Yelena and Sergey, both emotionally and financially.

Yelena, 30, had to leave her job as a medical secretary in order to be with Yael. Sergey, 27, who runs an internet café, has seen his earnings drop significantly because of the time that he needs to spend helping his daughter. Yelena and Sergey have been involved in bureaucratic struggles on Yael’s behalf and are doing their best to cover the costs of her medical needs.

The situation has left them feeling desperate, lonely, and very stressed. As she grows, Yael needs a car seat of the appropriate size for her weight. Currently, her parents still tuck her into a too-small one, because they cannot afford the cost of a new seat, even though the current one has become small and therefore unsafe for Yael.

Verified by: Shira Keler, Department of Social Services, Ashdod - Rehabilitation Department | Case No.: 190466
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