Beds for Sarah and Maor

Total Cost - USD 933
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 933

Because of his mental state, Maor, 30, is unable to help raise his children, ages seven, five and four months; it is hard for him to even spend much time with them. His mood swings and depression also make it impossible for him to work, and he sleeps most of the time. His wife, Sarah, is the children’s primary caretaker and because she gives them all of her time, she cannot work outside the home. Her mother helps her with the kids when she can, and Sarah often brings them to spend the afternoon in her home.

The family survives, as best it can, on Maor’s disability stipend, which Sarah stretches as far as possible. There is no room in the budget for furniture, however, and Sarah and Maor do not have a bed. The least they both deserve is a restful night’s sleep.

Verified by: Yael Landau Schneider, Department of Social Services, Holon | Case No.: 200306
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