Beds for Rachel’s Children

Total Cost - USD 865
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 865

Since her six-year old son broke his hand in a fall from the top bunk bed in July, Rachel is too scared to let him continue to sleep there. She is a single mother to her two young children. She keeps their small apartment clean and neat, and as appealing and appropriate for children as possible.

Rachel, 27, is not currently working, but now that the kids are in first grade and day care, she plans to turn to the employment office for help finding a job. In the meantime, she has very little money, not enough to buy safe, appropriate beds for the children. So that her son can sleep on the bottom bunk, Rachel is now sharing her own bed with her daughter, which is not a good long-term solution.

Verified by: Tal Nave, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 190457
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