Beds for Chaim’s children

Total Cost - USD 1,499
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,499

Chaim, 51, is in dire financial straits and needs our help.

Chaim suffers from both physical and psychological issues and cannot work outside of the home; he survives on a monthly disability stipend.

Chaim and his wife divorced a number of years ago. She received custody of their nine children and moved to the south of the country.

Recently, four of Chaim’s children came to live with him, claiming their mother is unfit to raise them.

Chaim is now living with two of his brothers and his four children in a three-room apartment. The apartment belongs to his mother, who currently lives in a nursing home. It is old and dilapidated, and furnished with old, second-hand furniture.

Chaim’s most desperate need right now is beds for his children. They are sleeping on old, rickety beds in danger of collapsing. These innocent, young children deserve a decent night’s sleep.

Verified by: Hananel Azuelos, Department of Social Services, Jerusalem - North - Bukhari Neighborhood | Case No.: 220940
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