Bed for Shaul and Yifat’s Children

Total Cost - USD 525
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 525

The Levi family faces an on-going struggle with economic, emotional, and medical issues. Yona Levi, 41, suffers from such frequent and overwhelming bouts of depression that it has become impossible for her to work. Shaul, 47, had to close his business and, while he is working part-time and looking for a full time position, he has been home taking care of his wife, their children, and the household.

Of the Yona and Shaul’s seven children, five have health problems that require on-going treatment. Their oldest (16) has ADHD; their second (15) suffers from anxiety and emotional issues like his mother; their third (14) has apoplexy; their sixth (5) has language delays; and their youngest (3) is on the autism syndrome.

The family currently has very little income, adding a severe economic burden to the family’s difficult daily life. Shaul and Yona are highly motivated to improve their circumstances and put their family on a sounder footing, and to that end, they follow their social worker’s guidance and participate consistently in the agency’s programs. But in the meantime there is much that they cannot buy. Their second son lacks a good, supportive bed. A comfortable night’s sleep would help him find the resilience to deal with his issues, which could ease the strain on the entire family, but a bed if out of reach for Shaul and Yifat’s budget.

Verified by: Heli Nahum, Department of Social Services,, Ashdod - Rehabilitation Department | Case No.: 190520
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