Bed for Irina

Total Cost - USD 865
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 865

Irina, 61, is living a sad and lonely life. She suffers from various physical ailments and has undergone a number of strokes which have left her partially paralyzed. She has diabetes and also suffers from depression and anxiety.

For years, Irina spent most of her time caring for her elderly parents which contributed to her depression. When they died, she was left with a terrible sense of loneliness and found it hard to function.

Irina has a 33-year-old daughter who lives nearby but relations between them are tense. Unfortunately, it is often Irina helping her daughter, instead of the opposite.
Irina rarely leaves her apartment. She sleeps on her living room couch which is old and broken. Irina would like to have a pull-out sofa bed that she can use as a couch during the day and as a bed at night. Irina can’t afford any big purchases as she survives on a small monthly government stipend. If she ever has any money left over at the end of the month, she often gives it to her daughter to pay off her debts

It would certainly help Irina maintain some sense of dignity if she had a proper bed to sleep on

Verified by: Marva Ben David, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 200408
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