A washing machine and oven for Talia

Total Cost - USD 730
Still Needed - USD -1
Funded - USD 730

Talia is currently navigating a divorce while single-handedly raising her three sons.

Up until October 7th, she and her family lived peacefully in Ofakim. On the day the war began, terrorists broke into her building and murdered five families. The terrorists tried to break into her home but Talia and her sons hid in a locked room. It took many hours till help came and they were rescued from their building. It was nothing short of a miracle that they survived.

Realizing the necessity to leave, Talia and her children fled their home in Ofakim. They moved from one hotel to another until they finally secured an apartment. This new apartment is for rent, but she is still burdened with the ongoing mortgage payments for her home in Ofakim. In simple terms, Talia is struggling to meet both of these financial obligations.

The new apartment is completely bare. She lacks basic electrical appliances and is in urgent need of a washing machine and an oven.

Talia has endured too much trauma in the past month. Let’s come together to offer her the support she so desperately needs.

Verified by: Motty Greenvald, Department of Social Services, Hadera | Case No.: 230869
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