Washing Machine for the Wassers

Total Cost - USD 401
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 401

Until recently, Frieda and Reuven Wasser were employed full time, with steady, if modest salaries. Frieda, 36, works in a phone center doing customer support. But Reuven, 43, was laid off from his job last spring. He received some months of unemployment benefits, but has been looking for a new position since then, with no luck.

The unexpected loss of his income has thrown the family into a financial crisis. Unable to cover their usual expenses, they are now in debt to their landlord, the local utilities, and the bank. They are struggling to put food on the table for their three children (11, 10, and 5).

In addition, Frieda is pregnant, and a fourth child will stretch their small budget even further. It would ease their lives financially, physically, and emotionally if they could replace their broken washing machine, but they cannot afford to do it themselves.

Verified by: Avital Cohen, Department of Social Services, Aco | Case No.: 190387
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