Beds for Rivki’s boys

Total Cost - USD 1,038
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,038

Rivki, 45, is an upbeat, determined woman. After losing her job six months ago, she has searched hard for a new one, but the current situation has made it impossible. She and her boys, ages 15 and 12, have been relying on her unemployment benefits and child support payments, which together do not cover their daily needs.

The family of three lives in a small apartment. The two boys share not only a room, but also one narrow bed. It is old and uncomfortable. Neither of them has any privacy nor can they get a good night’s sleep, which is so important for growing boys. Unfortunately, Rivki cannot afford the beds that would make such a difference in their lives.

Verified by: Iris Binyan Reuven, Department of Social Services, Kfar Saba | Case No.: 200405
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