Eye glasses for Oleg

Total Cost - USD 715
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 715

After his oldest daughter was killed, Oleg, age 65, and his wife took in her young son and have been raising him for the past five years. The youngest of their six children is still living at home as well. Oleg underwent open-heart surgery in 2002 but it was not successful. He has been unable to work since then and remains in on-going cardiac distress. The family’s only income is his disability stipend.

Oleg and his wife put as much of this small sum as they can toward the care of their children and grandson, but it is hard to stretch it to cover everyone’s needs. Oleg cannot afford the glasses that were recently prescribed for him, although his eyesight has deteriorated to the point where he has trouble seeing without them.

Verified by: Svetlana ZoravskI, Maccabi Health Services, Beer Sheva | Case No.: 190430
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