Washing Machine for Zohar and Tehila

Total Cost - USD 405
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 405

37-year-old Zohar and 35-year-old Tehila have four children (ages 12, 9, 6, 4). Zohar works full time as a truck driver. In order to maximize his salary, he sometimes leaves the house at four in the morning and returns only late at night. Nonetheless, his earnings are too low to cover the needs of his large family.

His wife, Tehilla, would like to work in order to supplement his salary, but has been unable to find a job. She is getting help with this, but has not yet succeeded.

Two of the couple’s children have ADD and learning delays, and need costly tutoring and other educational support. But sometimes Tehilla does not have enough money to buy food for the family. They have not been able to pay the electric company in two months, so live in fear that they could lose the power to the house at any minute.

To make matters worse, their washing machine broke two months ago. There is no way that they can stretch their budget to cover a new washing machine, despite the difference that having one would make to the family’s functioning.

Verified by: Hadas Hamershalk, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 190231
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