Washing Machine for Tali

Total Cost - USD 257
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 257

When Tali was 23, she fell in love with a much older man. He had a criminal history and was addicted to drugs but after her parents’ divorce and her mother’s choice to move away from Israel, he offered Tali appealing warmth and support.

Eventually, they decided to marry and Tali got pregnant. Soon he turned violent and abusive. Tali canceled the wedding and went to live with her mother for some months. She came back to Israel, however, to give birth. Her daughter has some learning delays and is enrolled in a preschool for special needs children. The two live in a small, sparsely furnished apartment.

Tali’s only income is her daughter’s disability stipend, and she stretches it as far as she can each month. Recently, however, her washing machine broke. The technician who came to check it reports that the repairs would be more expensive than the purchase of a new machine, but Tali cannot afford to buy one.

Verified by: Gabriel de Castro, Department of Social Services, Ako | Case No.: 190503
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