Washing machine for Ora and Reuven

Total Cost - USD 386
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 386

When his family faced high expenses and debts that they could not repay, Reuven decided that the fastest way to resolve the situation would be to raise and sell drugs. Though he never used any, this plan quickly earned him a two-year prison sentence. While he was incarcerated, his wife, Ora, was responsible for raising their three children, ages 11, four and three. She soon fell even deeper into debt.

When Reuven finished his prison term, he was determined to live a prudent, law-abiding life. Every month, the couple puts aside as much money as they can towards paying off their debts. This leaves them with almost nothing for their daily cost-of-living and monthly expenses, but they are determined to get out of debt and move forward.

Reuven drives a forklift at a peanut factory, while Ora works in a supermarket. Neither job brings in much money. Recently, the couple’s washing machine broke. With three active children and two demanding jobs, there is a lot of laundry and little time or energy for washing it all by hand. Unfortunately, Reuven and Ora have no way to buy themselves the new washing machine that they so desperately need

Verified by: Or Azulay Bitan, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 210485
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