Washing machine for Nurit and Guy

Total Cost - USD 426
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 426

Nurit and Guy are in dire straits and need a helping hand.

Nurit works as an assistant in a nursery school; over the years, Guy has jumped between odd jobs. After a work accident, he was unemployed for two years. During this period, the couple amassed heavy debts. Today, Guy is working in a bakery.

To add to their troubles, the couple had major plumbing issues over the past few years and had to redo all the piping in the house. They also had construction issues which have caused other structural problems in their apartment.

Recently, Nurit and Guy joined a social services program which is mentoring them in financial planning and helping them understand their rights. Guy has also applied for a disability stipend.

Nurit and Guy are determined to break their cycle of poverty and support their five children with dignity.

In the meantime, the couple’s washing machine has broken beyond repair. As they struggle to stand on their own two feet, they could use our help buying a new one.

Verified by: Liron ben Hamo, Lehetiv | Case No.: 230645
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